- the descriptive science dealing with the surface of the earth, its division into continents and countries, and the climate, plants, animals, natural resources, inhabitants, and industries of various divisions.
- the physical features, esp. the surface features, of a region, area, or place
How did I get here? Well to make a long story a bit shorter... I homeschool my youngest kids or did, time is flying and one is nearing his AA transfer degree at the technical college and the other will be entering a program for qualified 16 yr. olds or 11th graders at the community college or the technical college next school year. I was their only teacher until they reached middle school age when they received some excellent supplementation in classes I felt they needed at a marvelous home school program ZLO or Zacchaeus Learning Opportunities.
I can't say enough about ZLO. The instructors are wonderful and "get" the home school mentality, my home school mentality. They teach to a high standard not determined by the public school but by the parents and ultimately Our Heavenly Father. This is a loving community of instructors and parents all working to give our children the excellence in education that the freedom from government-controlled education allows.
So off my soap box and on to the story. I had been involved with ZLO as parent support such as study hall monitor, and until recently bookkeeper and administrative assistant. Preparing for my youngest to be moving on, I chose to pass those jobs onto another dedicated parent with younger children and a longer outlook at ZLO. During one of many parent/ instructor chats it was determined that now would be a good time to search out more instructors and add a wider variety of classes. One of the classes that both my boys took was Geography. It was a great class and they both learned so much and enjoyed it too. Disappointingly, the instructor had a change in plans and decided not to come back.
You know what is coming..
Show me Thy ways, O Lord; teach me Thy paths. Psalm 25:4
So that is the direction I'll be headed this coming school year. Add these titles to my name - geography student/teacher/lover, tour guide, navigator, cartographer, trail guide, explorer, and Zacchaeus Learning Opportunities Instructor.

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