Thursday, October 19, 2006

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Be Careful What You Ask For (or promise)

So I needed a rainy day to gather my thoughts and ideas? Well it's raining and I'm still distracted by other things. The sumer was so beautiful and sunny here, a treat in the Pacific Northwest. We still have a few days left until fall and the weather has definately changed. The rain is welcome, but I wasn't ready for the drearyness. Sooo, I need to get focused on creating something. I need to be accountable so I'll put in print that I will start a bi-weekly journal quilt. OK big procrastination here.. I'll start next week! I really need to work on that. I am commiting though!



Pretty good work when I'm motivated huh?

Saturday, August 26, 2006

What a View!

I finally posted a photo on the quiltshow page. It only took an hour and all I could get was one but that's progress, yes? I'm easily distracted, but if I can get the photo posted of today's bike ride you'll see why other things catch my attention. Awesome? test4.jpg

Friday, August 25, 2006

What Rainy Day?

I could use a long rainy day to gather my ideas. The weather had been beautiful but I'm so easily distracted by the sunshine and the gentle breezes that I can't seem to get creative. I did take a bit of time today and played with some fabric. It ended up being a case for my digital camera. As soon as I finish with a button and button hole I'll snap it and post it, I think. I still haven't figured out how to put photo's on here. It's that easily distracted thing again!!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Hello world!

This is a totally new experience for me, blogging. I'll give it a go and see what happens. Hope I don't get too corny. Stay tuned! debi
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